Friday, January 11

Losing Myself to Find Myself

Good Evening, All! (Particularly Kelley Murfin who asked me to update my blog, and made me feel special by the request).

      This has been a week of learning, and not only because it was my first week in my new school, position, and town. I really feel like I am figuring out how to function on my own, and to be okay with getting lost!
   In fact, this afternoon I ventured forth across Tai Po in order to find the bank I wanted to set up an account with. I have been determined to figure this city out, and sure enough, I made it! Afterwards, I wandered all over, just letting myself be lost, and be happy about it. [I am not dumb, I do have maps on my phone IF I needed them]. In the process of being lost, I wandered through plazas, the Mega Mall, across bridges spanning the rivers, and down park paths. I watched kids playing basketball, old men in important conversations, and a family of kittens swim down a storm drain and come up into the park. (Random, but the last kitten seemed to be swimming round and round in the tunnel and couldn't get out for a while..). I guess I've felt kind of pathetic like that this past week- getting lost within one block of my building (I was not raised a city girl at all!), not having very many responsibilities at the school during this week of exams, and feeling somewhat useless [I know it will be quite the opposite in a few weeks when I start teaching full time].
       In the time I've had to be alone, Heavenly Father has let me know some important things, of which I forgot.
1.  Satan's goal is to distract us from the things that matter most.
Satan really does not want us to take time off, and visit nature in order to clear our minds, and to focus more clearly on our communication and relationship with our Father in Heaven. I am so grateful that I can do so!
2. When my brain feels foggy and crazed, it usually means that my basic needs aren't being met.
3. I need to remember the difference between guilt and shame. Shame is artificial, and is usually the ammo in my habitual rounds of beating myself up for making mistakes. It has been a long haul, but I am able to see this process now, and replace it with rational thoughts.
4. Without taking time for God, I am more lost than anyone ever could be.

Whenever my Mom moved to a new town, she made it a point to take the first several days and "get lost". She purposefully drove all over town, getting lost over and over again so that she could orient herself to her surroundings. Very quickly she got her bearings and felt comfortable. I believe for each of us, in the things that are new in our lives, whatever those things are that are pulling us out of our comfort zone, those things that we wanted very badly but are now quite unsure that we want at all, we need to let ourselves get lost in them. We are not alone in this lost process...Heavenly Father is with us every step of the way if we let Him.
I challenge all of my friends to figure out how to get lost in whatever is challenging you. It may take time, and it may be scary, but it may be the only way you are ever going to get good at that thing you hate, and you won't regret giving up later.     You don't have to give up all of your time and energy to do so, but just be willing to try to do it, whatever it may be, or be willing to try it a new way.

-On the MTR yesterday, I noticed a curious thing: many people were talking with each other! Instead of every person on a digital device, they were having conversations with the people around them, and it was very encouraging.
-So very many people are incredibly kind, and want to help you ... so I learned to humble myself and ask for help a bit more!
-For twenty minutes, I listened as a child in another apartment practiced clarinet with some degree of accomplishment. Two seconds after it ended, somebody in the park or in the adjacent building burst out with the most impressive bagpipe performance I've heard. Having neighbors keeps you entertained.
-It seems the ceilings in every building in HK are super thin. I sleep on the top bunk of a bunk bed, quite close to the ceiling. Late yesterday afternoon, I crawled up there for a nap. I woke to hearing tiny plastic wheels racing back and forth by my ear. Yes, the toddler upstairs had his hot-wheels cars on the floor above my head, and it sounded THAT close. It was kind of cool, and made me miss my little brother.
-When I opened my door this evening, I looked into our living room and thought "Oh my gosh, calling this place a flat instead of an apartment makes it even cooler!!!" :P
-Right or left? Okay, all the cars drive on the left, and for the most part, people walk on the left, unless its at a mall, in which case its on the right, but if you are in line at the MTR station, you go left, unless you are in a hurry, and then you see a great melding of people, kind of like when you intertwine your fingers. Somehow, nobody is injured in the crowds.
-The ambulances have the British sirens!!!!

-All of he trees are labeled! Seriously! I have yet to see a tree here in HK that does not have a number tag on it (and there are A LOT of trees here!) A friend suggested it was to help the gardeners know which ones to take care of.

-I saw a star tonight! Ya, just one. But, stars are hard to come by here, unless it is the stars in my eyes. Hahahahha.

And my biggest question of the week: should I go to church here in Tai Po this Sunday, in Kwun Tong (because I have friends learning about the church and Christianity) or down to Wan Chai (Where I have friends and there is the possibility of meeting cute, Mormon, Return Missionary international boys with accents).

As Grandpa Bill would say, "You've got some happy problems, Rotten!"

A recap of a few of the adventures of my stay in HK so far (minus my time with the missionaries!)

Delicious food daily, courtesy of Vivian's Mom!

Tai Po Waterfront Park, a discovery I am so grateful for!

To the top of an observation hill with a cool tower.
This picture makes me think of India, plus California skate park.

Why didn't I smile? Because I was pretending to take a photo of the trees across from me with the camera on the back of my phone so that the people walking by wouldn't know I was really being vain and taking one of my face with the pretty mountains and river. As a result, I think I look kind of confused. :P

Tolo Harbor


 Hong Kong's National Flower.
It is elegant, yet fun.
And its beauty reminds me that Heavenly Father is everywhere you go.
The way the leaves are kind of transparent makes me think that they have been smushed into the sky, like stepping on a leaf in the mud.

:D I call this gratitude.

Three cheers for circle scarves!

"Over the misty mountains cold...", well, wrong place, but this could be The Lonely Mountain!

Yes, I do! Just for YOU!

His picture is above my desk...this would probably have to be my favorite picture of all time. I love so many other beautiful pictures, but I adore this one.

My other new circle scarf!

I got sunshiiiinne on a clouuudy day! When its cold outsideeee, I got the month of May!

Yup, I really liked my hair down. However, when I want to be professional, I try to put it up because I'm afraid people will notice that I'm not Chinese.
I want to fit in!

MTR has a 99.9% efficiency rating, making it the most wonderful transport in the world. I rather like it myself!

When I saw this place next to the train station in Sha Tin Wai (pronounced Sa teen why), I loved the contrast of colors and styles, particularly because this could be a stereotypic image of HK, except for the fact that the building is twenty floors too short.

My view from my kitchen window. It is a green city. And actually, its rather quiet. Ulaanbaatar was filled with honking horns, but here, not at all.

For the record, they do taste better here. Not sure why. I think my cereal habit is going to be tough to break, but its okay, because all of my other meals consist of brand new cuisine each time!

Makes me dizzy!

The next big thing? Chinese New Year!!!

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